Wednesday 13 January 2016


Marr me, clone me, mask me with chemical portions
Pierce me, bath me, carve me, ye I need western acceptance
Treat me, distort me, and rearrange me, till I turn to eastern portraits
My hair is Peruvian, nails from India, eyelids from Kuwait
Yet I work so hard to erase every trace of my African trait
Pawns in the hands of species whom ranked themselves superior
We worked vigorously in plantations like mules and bulls now I feel so inferior
Self-worth battered with whips and gun barrels ancient procedure
Your words are piercing stretching so fast within like a viral infection Chronology of generations laden with virus of rejection
Steaming from your needles in modern time as policies it’s all projections Lifetime spent appeasing the mirror so we can fit into your mental picture
My kinky hair and thick nose made me a cousin to an ape you said
Am not worth equality, though I earned the stage
So I bought me a new skin, through chemical proportions ticket to my sage
Yet will I distort my unique identity to acquire foreign visage
Though young but wrinkled from reactions of prior vintage
Felt good then but scars and decadence paid visit at old age
Face in a grim, Ankara to feign a skin in disarray
Meditations of an African whose self-worth passed through colonial rage
I got intel from the stars days before, That your bond men from prison shall predict your future
Alas! The future brought a picture to my subconscious Where apes stood at the fore front of innovation and inventions   Am proudly African, thick skin like the iroko
I stand strong and brave even without your emblem on my shokoto
Am proud of my DNA resilient amidst natures harshness
A continent so blessed hence I will contribute to her progress
Employ my wits to harness her resources because the responsibility is mine
Arise let’s make our home shine because it’s like a virgin in her prime Am done being swayed by unstable ideologies, I will discover mine
Look within and see that amidst our scars is a gold mine
Kelechi ukauwa

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